
Phase 1:

  • Website Launch: Launching Moneta's official website to establish online presence and provide initial information about the platform.

  • Whitepaper Publication: Publishing a detailed whitepaper outlining Moneta's vision, technical architecture, and tokenomics.

  • Setting up Socials: Establishing official social media accounts on major platforms to engage with the community and share updates.

  • Pre Launch Marketing: Initiating marketing campaigns to build anticipation and awareness prior to launch.

  • Fair Launch: Conducting a fair launch event to distribute initial tokens with transparency and fairness.

  • Bot Release: Launching Moneta's Telegram bot to provide user-friendly interactions and support.

  • Post Launch Marketing Campaign: Continuing marketing efforts post-launch to maintain momentum and attract new users.

  • Platform Release: Launching the Moneta financing platform, providing users with access to comprehensive features and functionalities. This includes a user-friendly dashboard for managing loans, enabling borrowers to track their loan details, manage repayments, and explore additional financial tools.

  • Socials Updates & Listings: Regular updates on social media platforms and listing on CG & CMC

Phase 2:

  • Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with key influencers (KOLs) to create visually appealing, informative posts promoting Moneta's loan utility. Develop compelling visual content.

  • DeFi Project Partnerships: Form alliances with leading DeFi projects such as Tatsu, DFNDRLABS, and AIX and Offer their communities discounted interest rates for mortgage services.

  • Agent Network Development: Build Moneta's own agent network modeled after successful DeFi projects. Agents will facilitate group mortgage initiatives, fostering community engagement and expanding market reach.

  • Community Outreach: Engage with cryptocurrency communities through influencer endorsements and targeted social media campaigns. Encourage community participation in Moneta's mortgage programs through incentives and referral bonuses.

  • Launch of Liquidity Financing Protocol (LFP): Moneta will inaugurate its Liquidity Financing Protocol (LFP) aimed at empowering developers and projects facing initial funding challenges. This protocol will provide comprehensive support by offering initial

  • Integration of Bundled services from trusted partners: covering upfront costs and fees.

Phase 3:

  • Agent Expansion: Scale the agent network to cover more regions and languages, ensuring global accessibility and support for Moneta's mortgage services.

  • DAO and Community Partnerships: Forge partnerships with decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) and online communities. Introduce incentives for DAOs to promote Moneta's loan protocols, driving adoption and usage.

  • Defi Site Verification: Obtain verification on top DeFi aggregator sites to enhance Moneta's visibility and credibility within the decentralized finance ecosystem.

  • Monetizer Program Launch: Roll out the Monetizer program, offering rewards to projects based on their market capitalization and community engagement for promoting Moneta. Encourage projects to share referral links and endorse Moneta in their communications.

  • Pre-Launch Program: Launch a pre-launch utility program for developers, allowing them to create liquidity pools with KOLs and stakeholder groups. Enable token vesting options and controlled supply buybacks post-launch to stabilize token value and prevent major sell-offs.

  • OTC DAO Market Introduction: Pioneer the OTC DAO market, where Moneta buys tokens directly from projects and investors at fair market prices. Implement trading strategies to minimize price volatility and ensure sustainable growth.

  • Goal Calculator Tool: Introduce a goal calculator tool on the Moneta platform, enabling users to plan and visualize their financial goals such as retirement savings, home purchases, etc. Incorporate investment options through Moneta's OTC DAO for systematic investment planning (SIPs).

  • Market Sentiment Bot: Develop a market sentiment bot to provide users with insights on potential investment outcomes based on holding strategies. Market the bot as a user-friendly alternative to complex wallet-connected platforms, enhancing accessibility and user engagement.

  • Marketing and Expansion Initiatives: Expand marketing efforts to include hiring a seasoned marketer and team. Plan for listings on major cryptocurrency exchanges (CEXs) and participation in significant industry expos like those in Singapore. Distribute free expo tickets to Moneta holders to foster community engagement and visibility.

These phases outline a comprehensive strategy for Moneta, encompassing partnerships, product launches, community engagement, and market expansion initiatives to establish a strong presence in the DeFi ecosystem.

Last updated