
General Information on our Team.


Core Team:

  1. Co-Founder & Lead Developer: As the financial backbone of Moneta, our Lead Developer spearheaded the project's initial funding stages, ensuring its foundational development.

  2. Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer (CTO): Our CTO oversaw the development and monitoring of all initial products and platforms, bringing technical expertise and vision to Moneta's architecture.

  3. Chief Marketing Officer (CMO): Responsible for managing all marketing efforts, our CMO drives Moneta's outreach and growth strategies, ensuring our platform reaches its full potential.

  4. PR & Agent: This role is pivotal in facilitating loans, financing, and customer support, ensuring seamless interaction with our users and partners.

Design and Development Team:

  • Lead Designer: Our main designer brings creativity and visual appeal to Moneta's interfaces and brand identity, enhancing user experience across all platforms.

  • Developers:

    • Lead Web Developer: Specializing in web development, our lead web developer ensures the functionality and usability of Moneta's DApp and web interfaces.

    • Bot Maintenance Developer: Responsible for maintaining and optimizing Moneta's Telegram bot and other automated systems, ensuring smooth operation and user interaction.

Community Moderation Team:

  • Community Moderators: Four dedicated moderators engage with our community, providing support and fostering discussions to enhance user experience.

  • Medium Moderator: Responsible for crafting informative articles and daily updates on our Medium platform, keeping our community informed about Moneta's developments and insights.

At Moneta, our multidisciplinary team collaborates closely to deliver a secure, innovative, and user-friendly decentralized finance platform.

Last updated